What to do if you are a victim



»    Remain calm, whenever possible;

»    Take your identity documents with you when you go to register the offence (for example an identity card or passport). Make your way to either; a nearby police station belonging to the Public Security Police (PSP), a station of the National Republican Guard (GNR), a post of the Judiciary Police (PJ) or directly to the Public Prosecution Services. Ask to file a criminal complaint and request a document certifying claim has been made;

»    You can also register a complaint electronically with the Ministério da Administração Interna (Ministry of Internal Affairs);

»    Verify that you are eligible to benefit from legal aid.


 On the following microsites, you can find the necessary contacts and information about different types of crime/forms of violence:

Homicide (family members and friends of victims)

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence In Same-Sex Relationships

- Dating Violence

Human Trafficking

Female Genital Mutilation

Sexual Violence


Bullying & Cyberbullying

Theft & Robbery


Fraud & Scam

Other Crimes Against Property



There are further APAV microsites for the following groups of people:

Children and Youth

Elderly People

