click here to see more about: "THE CRIMINAL PROCESS" click here to see more about: SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS click here to see more about: EDUCATIONAL GUARDIANSHIP PROCEEDINGS

(When the crime was committed by someone above 16 years old!)

The criminal process is the set of procedures and actions that the judicial authorities and the police conduct after learning that a crime was committed.


summary proceedings:


Summary proceedings serve to prosecute individuals who are caught in flagrante delicto, that is, when someone is caught in the act of committing a crime or having just committed a crime; or when, immediately after the crime is committed, an individual is pursued by someone or is found with objects or evidence that clearly show that they just committed or participated in the crime.

There is no investigation phase in these proceedings, moving immediately to trial, which, in principle, takes place within just a few days.

Educational guardianship proceedings
(When the crime was committed by someone under 16 years old!)

When a crime is committed by a child or young person between 12 and 15 years old, educational guardianship proceedings apply instead of criminal proceedings. This process aims to reorient the young person to a behaviour in line with the law and the rules of life in society, by showing them that they acted incorrectly and in some cases, by applying guardianship measures to them.

Unlike in criminal proceedings, which are almost always public, educational guardianship proceedings are secret until the jurisdictional phase.