APAV – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítimia / Portuguese Association for Victim Support - is a national, non-profit, social solidarity organisation.
APAV works towards promoting awareness and valorisation of the status of victims of crime in Portugal and, consequently, respect for it.
APAV supports victims of all types of crime, their family and/or friends, by providing quality services that are free of charge and confidential, and by contributing to the improvement of public, social, and private policies concerned with the statute of victims.
APAV supports victims of all ages and of all crimes, including, among others: domestic violence, abuse, threats, homicide, sexual offenses, abduction, kidnapping, theft, robbery, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, falsification of documents, harm, cybercrime, and racial discrimination.
If you are or you were the victim of crime, APAV is available to listen, advise, and help, by informing you of and explaining your rights and how to exercise them, the resources that are available to you, and how you can use them.
The victim support officers of APAV can help you to promote your wellbeing and security, providing you with practical, emotional, psychological, legal and/or social support, according to your needs.
The support of APAV is free and confidential.
To know where we are and how to contact us, click here. If you prefer, you can send us a quick message. Click here to send a message.
APAV also focuses on informing about the rights of victims and promoting social awareness to increase protection and support for victims of crime.
On the APAV website you will find a list of informative websites about different forms of violence. Check them out on the left side of our homepage!
On the APAV YOUTH site you will find information on different forms of violence that can be committed against and amongst young people, as well as safety tips that you can use in your daily life.
Visit www.apavparajovens.pt to see some campaigns against violence launched by APAV, and share them with your colleagues and friends!
The prevention of crime and violence is also a very important activity for the APAV, particularly among children and youth.
APAV conducts awareness programmes in schools about what to do when you are a victim of crime or violence, and what can be done to prevent crime and increase personal safety.
If you have any topic that interests you and that you think is important to discuss in the classroom, ask your teacher or class director to contact us. Click here to find out where we are and how you can contact us. If you prefer, you can send us a quick message. Click here to send a message.