healthcare services

If, as a consequence of being the victim of a crime, you are left wounded, injured, or in need medical treatment, it is very important to go immediately to a hospital or a health centre.

Inform the healthcare professional that your injuries are the result of a crime. The medical report can be very important evidence in the criminal proceedings.

For more information on health services, click here.

medical emergencies

In the case of an emergency, call 112.

Tell the responding professional your name, the address of your current location, and is happening. The professional will send the services suited to protect you and resolve the situation (ex: police, fire service, emergency medical professionals) to your location.

112 is a national emergency number with operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Calls are free of charge.

Click here (INEM Kids), to learn more about 112.

Linha Saúde 24
health helpline

A health helpline, Linha Saúde 24, is available permanently at: 808 24 24 24

This phone helpline is intended to improve access to services and to rationalize the use of existing resources, by referring users to the most appropriate health services for their needs.

Available services include:

  • Screening, Counselling, and Referral in case of illness;
  • Providing clarification and support on matters relating to medication;
  • Public Health Assistance (Assistência em Saúde Pública), particularly for issues related to Flu, Summer/Heat and Emergencies/Intoxication;
  • General Health Information (Informação Geral de Saude), including the location of health facilities of the National Health Service (Serviço Nacional de Saúde) and available pharmacies.

For more information about the Linha Saúde 24, click here.