Social Security

Social Security (Segurança Social) is a government agency that aims to ensure basic rights of citizens and equality of opportunities, and to promote the wellbeing and social cohesion of both Portuguese citizens and foreign nationals working or living in Portugal.

Some examples of people who qualify for benefits are, among others:

  • Families with children and young people in their care (Allowance);
  • The unemployed (Unemployment benefits);
  • Sick people (Sick leave);
  • Etc.

It also has social programmes and social support for specific groups, for example:

  • For children and young people, Social Security provides: early childhood intervention; childminders; nurseries; pre-school education; after-school activity centres; holiday and leisure centres.
  • Social security also provides support centres and shelter homes for victims of violence.

For more information about the social security system, click here.


The social security system has a an online page, called Segurança Social Direta, that allows people direct access to social security services via the Internet.

On the Segurança Social Direta website you can access your personal data held by the social security information system and can also change it (or request the change).

Social Security services can also be contacted by phone at 303 502 502. This hotline provides information on the rights and duties of citizens.

social emergency helpline

The Social Emergency Helpline (Linha Nacional de Emergência Social – 144) is a free helpline that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to protect and ensure the safety of citizens in a situation of social emergency. 

This helpline is aimed at any citizen who is in a social emergency situation, such as:

  • Domestic Violence
  • At-Risk Youth
  • Abandonment
  • Displacement
  • Homelessness

To access this service, call 144.